Testing for God in Ukraine (pt. 1)

Hypotheses and Predictions

Okay, so continuing on the game mechanic metaphor, Fan-Pei wants to save the world. She’s really tired of dying and she’s starting to have meltdowns whenever her character dies. She decided that she doesn’t want to play this game anymore and, instead of getting a job and living a normal life, she just wants to spend all her money on kamikaze missions to Ukraine to see if God is real. Because it’s really easy to believe whatever the fuck you want when you’re in paradise like Tulum, but you get stripped down to the truth about reality when shit’s going down like in Bakhmut, or when you sacrifice yourself for real. And either God will take the sacrifice or not. This is our game plan on testing for God.

Question: Is God Real?

Hypothesis: If God is Real, something will happen to Fan-Pei in Ukraine that will give us a sign.


If Fan-Pei comes back roughly the same as when she went in, she didn’t make contact.

If Fan-Pei survives a close attack with no to fully reversible injury, she was either lucky, random chance, or she was spared by God because she’s a good person. Hopefully she’ll come back with renewed love for life and strong sense of purpose.

If Fan-Pei sets off a landmine (Google landmine injuries), gets arterial hits from shrapnel, etc. she will either accept death in 1-3 minutes, not be able to save herself in time, or she will successfully apply up to two tourniquets because in her last moments, she realized that she would rather live without limbs than die now. She will go through the stages of grief, which, compounded with her other traumas, will be an excruciating process. She will do it alone. She will either gain profound insight, be resigned to reality, or be just as confused as before.

If Fan-Pei gets blinded, disabled, etc. Fan-Pei had too much pride and God has chosen to take away some of her gifts so she can learn humility. She will go through the stages of grief. When she finally learns her lesson, she will be gifted by truly understanding and representing the weak, the disabled, the voiceless. Fan-Pei had her dreams come true, but in a different way than her prideful self thought.

If Fan-Pei dies, either it was because she put herself at too much risk and she brought this onto herself. She’s either in a heaven, doesn’t exist anymore, will respawn later in a different life and body, whatever. Her pet theory is that the version of Fan-Pei that dies almost always respawns into a dimension where she left off, with a level up (you can also level down but Fan-Pei believes she’s a very good person.) Then she gets lost and has to find her way back or will be lost forever. So at worst, it’s a never-ending cycle. At best, Fan-Pei hopes that she goes to heaven where her dead baby rats are waiting for her, and she can shrink down to baby rat size and snuggle with them all day, and grab their fur and ride them as they climb trees, go into tunnels, explore the world in miniature, etc. and never be lonely again. That’s Fan-Pei’s version of heaven. Also Fan-Pei’s heaven is to be done with this game and have no thoughts anymore.

There’s also a chance that Fan-Pei will fall in love, want to live a normal life, and just forget about this quest.