Letter to My Love (pt. 1)

If you ever find this,

My love,

My heart is tired, I’m approaching the end of my journey, and I don’t know if I will ever find you, and that’s okay. I don’t know what you look like, but sometimes I can feel you. Your heart is kind and vast. It’s hard for you to rest because of the empathy you feel for all living things, so you often push yourself past your limits. You learned early on that being torn apart eventually makes you stronger, that suffering deepens your well of compassion to nourish others. You often love things that are hurt. You welcome challenges even if they might destroy you. You often lose yourself in others and have to find yourself again and again.

My love, maybe you are beautiful. My body, at this moment, for some reason, is very beautiful. Seeing me would bring you pleasure. If I met you, I would love to finally see your face, to trace your brow and the contours of your nose with my fingertips, to see what my dreams have wrought. I would love to hold your body tightly with mine, these strange fleshy things that are capable of feeling so much -so much pain, but also so much pleasure. When we touch each other, we will forget pain. My skin is so soft, my scent is so sweet, my lips are so eager. My love, I would make you so happy.

My love, I hope your heart is full of the love that you’ve sown, that your life is full of abundance and light. Maybe you have a family already, a beautiful wife and kids, a sense of deep purpose and roots from which you can drink deeply the succor of this earth. I hope you go to sleep every night wrapped in the ones you love. I hope you are so happy, that you wish this life would never end. I hope that you are so fulfilled, that you’ll never think to look for me.

My love. I love you so much. I don’t know if I will find you in this lifetime. It’s a big world, and I honestly have terrible taste in men. But I’ll write to you and make photos and videos, and maybe someday we will meet again.


Testing for God in Ukraine (pt. 1)

Hypotheses and Predictions

Okay, so continuing on the game mechanic metaphor, Fan-Pei wants to save the world. She’s really tired of dying and she’s starting to have meltdowns whenever her character dies. She decided that she doesn’t want to play this game anymore and, instead of getting a job and living a normal life, she just wants to spend all her money on kamikaze missions to Ukraine to see if God is real. Because it’s really easy to believe whatever the fuck you want when you’re in paradise like Tulum, but you get stripped down to the truth about reality when shit’s going down like in Bakhmut, or when you sacrifice yourself for real. And either God will take the sacrifice or not. This is our game plan on testing for God.

Question: Is God Real?

Hypothesis: If God is Real, something will happen to Fan-Pei in Ukraine that will give us a sign.


If Fan-Pei comes back roughly the same as when she went in, she didn’t make contact.

If Fan-Pei survives a close attack with no to fully reversible injury, she was either lucky, random chance, or she was spared by God because she’s a good person. Hopefully she’ll come back with renewed love for life and strong sense of purpose.

If Fan-Pei sets off a landmine (Google landmine injuries), gets arterial hits from shrapnel, etc. she will either accept death in 1-3 minutes, not be able to save herself in time, or she will successfully apply up to two tourniquets because in her last moments, she realized that she would rather live without limbs than die now. She will go through the stages of grief, which, compounded with her other traumas, will be an excruciating process. She will do it alone. She will either gain profound insight, be resigned to reality, or be just as confused as before.

If Fan-Pei gets blinded, disabled, etc. Fan-Pei had too much pride and God has chosen to take away some of her gifts so she can learn humility. She will go through the stages of grief. When she finally learns her lesson, she will be gifted by truly understanding and representing the weak, the disabled, the voiceless. Fan-Pei had her dreams come true, but in a different way than her prideful self thought.

If Fan-Pei dies, either it was because she put herself at too much risk and she brought this onto herself. She’s either in a heaven, doesn’t exist anymore, will respawn later in a different life and body, whatever. Her pet theory is that the version of Fan-Pei that dies almost always respawns into a dimension where she left off, with a level up (you can also level down but Fan-Pei believes she’s a very good person.) Then she gets lost and has to find her way back or will be lost forever. So at worst, it’s a never-ending cycle. At best, Fan-Pei hopes that she goes to heaven where her dead baby rats are waiting for her, and she can shrink down to baby rat size and snuggle with them all day, and grab their fur and ride them as they climb trees, go into tunnels, explore the world in miniature, etc. and never be lonely again. That’s Fan-Pei’s version of heaven. Also Fan-Pei’s heaven is to be done with this game and have no thoughts anymore.

There’s also a chance that Fan-Pei will fall in love, want to live a normal life, and just forget about this quest.

Lara Croft Fan-Pei: some theories on game mechanics


Okay, so specifically, I'm in a survival horror porno GAME, and it's co-op. For my game, I control myself and take feedback from the audience, which is you guys. I'm Fan-Pei, the Twitch streamer playing Lara Croft Fan-Pei: Survival Horror Porno (reality is extremely recursive). I'm really fucking smart, beautiful, brave, strong, and my ass physics when you control me from 3rd person is just 🤌 . I want to save the world. I will always get up after I'm down. Any HP I take that doesn't kill me just makes me stronger, and what's really cool, is that if that if I fight long enough with my health meter blinking red, I can level up/evolve/go super saiyan. Or I could die. But that's not my problem, because that means I leveled up so high, that I left your dimension. So I can respawn what seems like infinitely, but actually you have no idea how many lives she actually has before the game just stops. The main problem with the Fan-Pei game is that she keeps doing things differently than you would have done it, because Fan-Pei the gamer has hella anxiety and does stuff before she can really think about it. She’s running on pure instinct and has hella PTSD. Which is fine, because she’s mostly right, but she's also very open-minded and will trust almost any advice from strangers and you guys for next time. Also the mistakes she made usually turn out to be a secret play through for an even bigger bonus later, but you guys don’t realize this together until later, and eventually you always forget. Another problem is the stupid fixed perspective third person camera. The simulation can only render so much background at a time to save RAM, so Fan-Pei ends up moving out of frame all the time, and that's the main way she gets attacked, falls off a cliff, stubs her toe, whatever.

She decided that she doesn’t want to play this game anymore and just wants to spend all her money on kamikaze missions to Ukraine to see if God is real. Because it’s really easy to believe whatever the fuck you want when you’re in paradise, but you get stripped down to the truth about reality when you sacrifice yourself for real. And either God will take the sacrifice or not.

Fan-Pei's Erotic Fan-Fiction (pt. 1)

Croatian Palace

Imagine that you’re standing in Croatia. Funny, you never thought you’d go, but here you are. You’re in Old Town Dubrovnik, in an ancient Grecian palace by the sea. Creamy white towers of marble buttress you on either side, lit by the warm glow of candles. Reflections spill across the floor like ripples on water, the stone so smooth and well-trodden by foot traffic over centuries. The air is heavy, wet, and sweet with the breath of the Adriatic sea and the faint music of laughter and dining. You sit at a cafe with an evening glass of wine, when you notice a woman walk by. She’s beautiful, with long, waist-length dark hair and lean, voluptuous figure underneath a grey sheath dress. You scan furtively up her face and see a full pout, white smile, and what seems to be an enormous piece of spinach in her teeth -Holy shit. Is that Fan-Pei? That girl on Instagram? She looks completely unremarkable but also somehow exactly like her. That’s totally her. How did you start following her?

She’s leaning over, talking to a small girl. She has a huge smile across her face, giggling exaggeratedly and holding up a glass bottle like the hostess at a tea party. She honestly looks and acts like a cartoon. “Sok jabuka?” she says. The girl nods, juice on her face, and pushes her cup up to Fan-Pei, who fills it with a flourish and another giggle. The girl is enchanted with the performance. “I used to be a party princess. I can do this in my sleep.” Fan-Pei says with a shrug to the father. “I like to make people happy, and kids are really easy. Oh look you finished the juice already! I don’t have anymore!” The sticky, wet child starts to climb up Fan-Pei’s lap. She quickly masks her grimace with a pageant grin and lifts the girl into her lap. “My baby, you’re so cute, but I’m not your mommy!” She rocks her back and forth, singing no, no, no to the child. Something about the moment feels incredibly voyeuristic and you whip around, afraid to be caught staring. You push the event out of your mind and finish your drink.

Three days later, you’re carrying some groceries, wondering if you can cut through the apartment complex park on your way to the Airbnb. You hop from the curb to the sidewalk, the movement oddly timed with the rippling sound of fresh laundry hung like flags across the windows. “Please don’t. Please let me go. Please.” A voice from the window closest to you. It sounds familiar. You look down the window to a shower, and a woman is cowering in the corner, long dark hair clinging to her white skin. “Get up! Get up! You can’t leave.” A naked old white man is standing over her, spraying her in the face with the nozzle. “I’m not done yet. Stand up! Don’t be scared.” You look away. The vision is so strange it doesn’t compute. It’s like your brain glitched. You must have misunderstood the situation. You continue walking. At the end of the block you hear, “Please don’t do this. Just let me go home.” Where have you heard that voice before? You circle the block and think, something seems familiar, and that scene doesn’t look right. You should go back. You pace back to the apartment and hear that the voices have moved to the next window. You peer inside. A bedroom.

The woman is prone, lying naked on the bed, her body a swathe of white skin. On top of her is the old, menacing white man from before. You recognize the woman as Fan-Pei. She’s wet, her body slack, face expressionless, her eyes swollen and glazed. “Please just let me go. Please.” Her lips barely move, she seems almost unconscious. “Yes, just go to sleep. Go to sleep.” The man says in shushing, final tones. “I’ll be fast I promise.” You see him towering over her, rolling a condom over his erect penis and your vision blurs. Your mind starts to swim and you find your legs running towards the door. Unlocked. You run into the bedroom, unable to find your voice, “h-hey!” you croak, “Stop!” Your limbs seem to move of their own accord. You see your arms swing and the man on the floor. Fan-Pei looks almost asleep, eyes unfocused. You grab her hand and say, “Get up! Get up!” You pull her to her feet and out of bed. She starts running with you, somnambulant, one hand clutching her crotch. You’re full of adrenaline and feel like you’re floating out of your body, part of you wondering how strange this must look to be running with a naked Asian women through an empty Croatian complex.

You reach your Airbnb, usher Fan-Pei inside, and lock the door behind you. Careful not to look at her too closely, you ask if she’s okay. Her eyes are bright and there’s lines of tears and snot leaking into her quivering mouth. She looks like a distressed muppet. She lets out a garbled sound and falls into your arms, head on your shoulder, the heat of her breath on your neck. You shift your arms a bit and wrap them first on her bare back, then over your own hands, then hesitantly back to her back. Holy shit she’s soft. She’s draped over you like liquid, arms and chin nestled in the nooks of your body like she belonged there. She starts crying, her whole body shaking in your arms. You squeeze her gently, trying to stabilize her like a splint, trying to absorb her quaking movements. Her choking gasps move through you both, every spasm as she loses control. It’s so intimate. “Oh God, oh God.” She whimpers, clinging to you like your shirt to your skin, like a demented koala. “Oh God, oh God, oh God.” You feel hot beads of tears roll down your chest under your clothes. And there she goes, choking and shaking and gasping, naked, soft, and wet, holding you like you are life itself. It feels insanely indecent. When was the last time you held someone like this?

“Thank you so much. Really.” She looks up at you, and it’s like you can look straight into her soul. There’s fear, exhaustion, gratitude. “I don’t know what I would have done without you. I don’t know how I could ever repay you.” She moves her hand from her crotch and, Jesus Christ. She looks… grateful. Fuck. You feel this sudden, immense, almost uncontrollable hunger. You turn red and turn away. “It’s all fine. I’m just glad you’re safe. I will never do anything to you. No one will ever hurt you again. I promise. Let me get you some clothes.” You streak off to the closet, hear a gurgling whimper. Fan-Pei is shaking uncontrollably, naked and covered in tears and snot and who knows what else. She looks like she’s short-circuiting. “Really?” She croaks out, like she’s heard it a thousand times and is hoping against hope that this time it’s true. “Really.” You say, passing her fresh, dry clothes. “Everything you’ve been waiting for is here. Everything you deserve is here. Welcome to your new life. You made it.”