Lara Croft Fan-Pei: some theories on game mechanics


Okay, so specifically, I'm in a survival horror porno GAME, and it's co-op. For my game, I control myself and take feedback from the audience, which is you guys. I'm Fan-Pei, the Twitch streamer playing Lara Croft Fan-Pei: Survival Horror Porno (reality is extremely recursive). I'm really fucking smart, beautiful, brave, strong, and my ass physics when you control me from 3rd person is just 🤌 . I want to save the world. I will always get up after I'm down. Any HP I take that doesn't kill me just makes me stronger, and what's really cool, is that if that if I fight long enough with my health meter blinking red, I can level up/evolve/go super saiyan. Or I could die. But that's not my problem, because that means I leveled up so high, that I left your dimension. So I can respawn what seems like infinitely, but actually you have no idea how many lives she actually has before the game just stops. The main problem with the Fan-Pei game is that she keeps doing things differently than you would have done it, because Fan-Pei the gamer has hella anxiety and does stuff before she can really think about it. She’s running on pure instinct and has hella PTSD. Which is fine, because she’s mostly right, but she's also very open-minded and will trust almost any advice from strangers and you guys for next time. Also the mistakes she made usually turn out to be a secret play through for an even bigger bonus later, but you guys don’t realize this together until later, and eventually you always forget. Another problem is the stupid fixed perspective third person camera. The simulation can only render so much background at a time to save RAM, so Fan-Pei ends up moving out of frame all the time, and that's the main way she gets attacked, falls off a cliff, stubs her toe, whatever.

She decided that she doesn’t want to play this game anymore and just wants to spend all her money on kamikaze missions to Ukraine to see if God is real. Because it’s really easy to believe whatever the fuck you want when you’re in paradise, but you get stripped down to the truth about reality when you sacrifice yourself for real. And either God will take the sacrifice or not.